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Crap Eyewear

It’s no secret that awkward people tend to avoid eye contact. But with Crap Eyewear, we’re giving people the confidence to ‘look up’.
Whether it’s just a sunny day or you run into your ex & their new significant other, you’ll always have the confidence to keep your eyes up.

Sun’s up, Eyes up

Crap Eyewear


OOH Billboards

Print ads around cities let everyone know that Crap Eyewear is here to deliver sun & social protection.

We’re even printing our ads on the ground —because what’s a better way to target our audience than meeting them exactly where they are . . .


While you’re scrolling with your head down, we’ll always remind you to look up, despite a bad hair & UV index. 



We’ll also make sure you look hot when it’s hot out with the Crap Eyewear TikTok filter  

Experimental OOH

Parks, music festivals, the beach -- all places where you have to deal with sun & social anxiety. So if you’re looking for a little extra support, all you have to do is look up.  Crap Eyewear is there to give away compliments & a free pair of shades. 

CW: Yours truly
AD: Andrew Bell